Our Wider Work
Giving Outside Our Walls.
Our interests and passions are much wider than our congregation alone. We stand with those who promote freedom for every individual, in our community and around the world. We share our gifts with local, national and international organizations.
We aim to raise awareness around social issues within our community by providing information, promoting involvement and encouraging financial and volunteer engagement. We hope to introduce new, smaller organizations to the Lake Street Church community.
Organizations that our wider work supports include:
We see ourselves as liaisons between these organizations and Lake Street Church, hoping to grow our participation and connectedness in our wider community.
Love in Action!
Evanston Interreligious Sustainability Circle
Environmental stewardship projects are one way we participate in the Evanston Interreligious Sustainability Circle. A favorite is hands-on restoration in the Harms Woods Forest Preserve.
Food Pantry
Congregants can bring nonperishable foods to the collection box in the narthex at the entrance to the Sanctuary. All items are distributed to Good News Partners Food Pantry in the North Howard neighborhood of Chicago.
Lake Street Church Ninos
Through the Fabretto Children’s Foundation, we have sponsored children in Nicaragua, making it possible for them to attend school. We seek to walk with the people of Nicaragua, making this experience a lens for understanding people who live on the margins all over the world.
Night Ministry Sandwich-Making
On one Sunday each month we make 100 sandwiches. We deliver them to the Night Ministry on Chicago’s north side, and the Night Ministry late-night Health Outreach Bus delivers them to homeless youth and adults in underserved areas in Chicago. The Night Ministry provides free health-care, HIV testing and prevention information, wholesome food, hospitality, hygiene supplies, and several types of referrals.
The Sustenance Connection of Lake Street Church
This group prepares meals with love and serves them with compassion to the guests of Hilda’s Place two evenings a month. Congregants can volunteer their time and skills or sign up to bring ingredients for the meal.
Walking With Detained Immigrants
Lake Street Church is part of the Interfaith Committee for Detained Immigrants (ICDI), a group of Jewish, Muslim and Christian congregations throughout the Chicago area working for comprehensive immigration reform while offering direct support to immigrants who have been detained. We have teams to participate in Advocacy, Court Watch, Post-Detention Accompaniment, Jail Visitation and Prayer Vigils at the Broadview Detention Center. Members of these teams reflect on their experiences, which have touched them deeply. When immigrants whom we otherwise wouldn’t have met come into our lives, our circle of fellowship is widened.
We welcome anyone who would like to join us in these journeys.