Groups and Programs
Prayer/ Meditation Group
Beginning Monday, September 9, the Prayer and Meditation group will resume meeting on Mondays and Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. The group has served as a source of support and spiritual connection for many of the participants. Feel free to drop in and experience the group. It might even become a restorative spiritual habit!
The group meets on Zoom at the following link.
Meeting ID: 824 0716 0213
Passcode: 12345
All are welcome to join our group, no experience is necessary. Our format involves a review of the names of individuals who have requested prayerful support, during which time our interfaith group holds the individuals in "light and love." Following the review of people and situations requiring prayer, the group sits in silent meditation for 5-8 minutes. We then share individual prayers as the spirit moves us, before enjoying a period of fellowship.
Spirit Matters - Building Community, Connecting with Spirit
Spirit Matters small groups gather twice a month:
Sharing our experience, our hopes, dreams, intentions and giving each other our full attention with no “fixing,” no advice, no problem solving.
Creating a safe place where we can focus on what we are truly wanting in life to be happier, more peaceful, and closer to God.
Opening our hearts to that which brings us more fully into joy, appreciation, and gratitude.
Please contact one of these folks for more information:
Sue Lafferty:
Steve Duck:
Jeff Olson:
Guided Meditation Circle for Health and Spiritual Nourishment
Please join us to listen to a guided mediation, time for introspection, and space to share insights sparked by the guided meditation.
Everyone can benefit from slowing down and listening to the voice deep within. We give that voice room to speak using guided meditation and community. No meditation experience required! All are welcomed!
This program is led by LSC member Mary Beth Napier, a psychologist and interfaith minister. Contact Mary Beth with any questions at
Please join the circle using the Zoom link below. Please note that this group will have a summer break until after Labor Day in September.
Sages and Souls
The Sages and Souls Class begins the new year on January 7, 2025, meeting every other Tuesday from 9:30 - 11 a.m. in the church dining room.
The book we will be working through this Fall is The Art of Dying Well by award-winning journalist Katy Butler. Butler shows readers how to thrive in later life (even with a chronic medical condition), get the best from health care providers, and make their own “good deaths” more likely. Some topics Butler addressed are:
How to successfully age in place
Why to pick a younger doctor
How to speak honestly with your doctor
When not to call 911
How to make death a sacred rite of passage rather than a medical event.
The book draws on Butler’s own experience caring for her aging parents and the experiences of hundreds of people who have successfully helped loved ones have good deaths. The book is based on the expertise of national leaders in family medicine, palliative care, geriatrics, hospice, and oncology.
For more information, or to sign up, contact:
Steve Heaviland at or
Jillian Westerfield at