​Dynamic, open, inclusive. Come as you are and join us on a spiritual journey.

All are welcome to attend our 10:30 worship service on Sunday morning where we offer both an in-person and hybrid experience. Please enter the sanctuary via the Chicago Avenue doors. You can live stream our service at this link.
People who attend this church come from more than a dozen religious traditions, including Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Pagan, and a number of Protestant denominations. Spiritual seekers of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, and religious identities are enthusiastically embraced and affirmed throughout the congregation and in leadership. The diversity of our congregation creates a stimulating, enriching community that fosters respect and compassion.
Rev. Michael Woolf
God Isn't a Republican or a Democrat; God Is an Immigrant

If you want to understand who God is, then I think one of the foundational themes is the experience of migration. In election season, we sometime ask whether God is a Democrat or a Republican, but the truth is more obvious: God is an immigrant.
(Continued at Sojourner's Magazine)